Value Chain Solutions Inc.
Sustainable Solutions for Oil Sands Industry
& Global Refineries
Company name
2601 Mission St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
Tel: 123-456-7890
Fax: 123-456-7890
Meet The Executive Team
Founded VC Group with Vision:
Sustainable Development of Oil sands (and extra-heavy-oils)
to Produce Premium Crudes Customized for Broad Spectrum of Global Refining Industry,
at the Lowest All-In-Costs and Enhanced Environmental Performance.
Relevant experience includes transformation of 2 project prospects to Flagships of Shell Canada:
Unique Refinery synergistically designed to process Synthetic Crudes; for well over 2 decades, Scotford Refinery has remained the best performer in its class, in America (by Solomon).
Novel technology innovations transformed the economics of First Shell (Albian) OilSands Mining – Upgrading project, with unique synergies with Scotford Refinery.
Development of the China strategy for Royal Dutch Shell, and led business development of the eventual CNOOC-Shell Mega Petro-Chemical Complex at Huizhou, Guangdong
PhD Chemical Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada; numerous scholarships, fellowships and awards
Over 30 years of broad based commercial experience in the energy industry
Business development in oil sands, offshore, Northern Territories and Western Canada conventional
Previously held senior commercial management roles with ExxonMobil Canada and North American Oil Sands / StatoilHydro Canada
Seasoned executive with over 30 years of experience in: engineering, project management, crude oil marketing, commercial and operations in Canada, the US and Internationally.
Dynamic individual with executive leadership experience at Statoil as part of the Senior Leadership Team
Proven track record of developing high performance teams to achieve measurable results.
Mega Project experience on several refining and upgraders including Phase I and II of the Shell Scotford upgrader