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Value Chain Solutions Inc.
Sustainable Solutions for Oil Sands Industry
& Global Refineries
Stakeholders and HSE
VCS is passionate about its aspiration to transform Alberta’s oil sands into a clean oil industry, and is dedicated to maintain an open dialogue with local communities and stakeholders to achieve a win-win. We are committed to delivering the highest standards of integrity in all that we do – in safety, environmental performance, business ethics and community engagement.
Stakeholders Relations
VCS Engagement program is designed to promote understanding and benefits of VCS-H Complex and expansion.
To maintain open and continuous dialog throughout the life of the Project – fortify the foundation for long-term respectful, positive and mutually beneficial relationships with community and stakeholders
Health, Safety and Environment ("HSE")
VCS will conduct its business responsibly, and in a manner designed to protect the health and safety of its employees, its customers,and the general public, and to protect the environment.
VCS will strive to be a leader in promoting and maintaining physical, psychological and social well being of workers, in operations safety performance and in avoidance of injuries, accidental releases and incidents.
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